Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Runaway review

Kanye west pulls another extravagant video out of his sleeve. This time a MUSICAL! this is the first time it's been done i believe. ( like a hip hop musical). I personally find the film creative/modern/somewhat original. It is also very colourful and to my opinion ...ILLUMINATI-ISH... BOOM! Time for my personal input... alright, READY, SET GO!!!. Though  i may seem intolerant , This video promotes: Lust, vanity, violence, foul language (inconvenient truth) and I can see how someone may feel left out and think they’re worthless ( very subtly and somewhat subliminally)  because they’re not rich, “cool”, or are sexually active “24/7 365”… Although you probably aren’t really interested… Jesus is interested in your heart. He loves you just the way you are. He loves you in a way beyond the imaginable.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Coke or Pepsi

It seems like these two products have an intense rivalry. I don't personally consider myself the average Soda/Pop consumer. But if i had to choose  i think tastewise i prefer coca cola. I think coca cola is really unhealthy and believe that is a factual statement. I would and probably will drink it ocasionally, maybe once a month with a meal, a cold coke with ice wouldn't hurt. But to drink daily? i don't think so. I drink water on a daily basis. I prefer the healthy foodCoke-vs-Pepsi.jpg

The Toronto Mayoral Debate

I Don't personally think i'm going to vote as of now because i have not yet been informed of a politician that is more radical and less "liberal". I think my justice standards are very high considering i am governed by Divine justice. I'm not sure if my friends will vote, maybe some will and others won't. Something i would change about Toronto would be the legal  "option" to abort.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are you available?

For Jesus AVAILABILITY is better than ABILITY.
He doesn't call the people that are ABLE, but He ENABLES the people that He calls.
He doesn't call the people that are PERFECT, but He PERFECTS the people that He calls.
(KNOCK KNOCK!) He's calling you right now! ARE YOU AVAILABLE?!?!

One Way Jesus

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.