Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Toronto Mayoral Debate

I Don't personally think i'm going to vote as of now because i have not yet been informed of a politician that is more radical and less "liberal". I think my justice standards are very high considering i am governed by Divine justice. I'm not sure if my friends will vote, maybe some will and others won't. Something i would change about Toronto would be the legal  "option" to abort.


  1. I'm not voting either, but trying to un-legalize abortion would cause a HUGE stirr.

  2. Well think about it if you were'nt allowed to abort you would have a lot of children that are on the streets and the crime rate will increase so i think it would be better to let go of a child if you feel that you cant take care of him/her although i dont agree with abortion

  3. impossible to tell a woman what she can and can not do with her own body. although i definately see where your comming from.

  4. I think it shouldn't even be a concern for people who aren't in that situation themselves.

    I hate the fact that we feel we have to choose a side, why can't we just let it be?

  5. I say let the one who might become parints decide if they are ready to support the child or not

  6. Here are some the consequences of abortion:
    • Tremendous increase in the level of promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases.[6]

    • Fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States.[6]

    • An increased risk of breast, cervical, ovarian and liver cancer.[6]

    • Complications, such as uterine perforation, cervical laceration, and placenta previa can not only cause very severe problems, but they can also lead to problems in future pregnancies, such as miscarriages, premature births, fetal deaths and children born with handicaps, because any problem or change with a woman's reproductive organs may affect the development of her children.[6]

    • Infection, including pelvic inflammatory disease, occur in 30% of abortions; if not stopped soon enough, they can leave a woman barren.[6]

    • Ectopic pregnancies-pregnancies developing in the tube-are increasing because sometimes the uterus is scarred and the fertilized egg, the zygote, cannot get down the tube into the uterus and implant. There's scar tissue there from scraping during previous abortions.[6]

    • Up to 127% risk for premature births in subsequent pregnancies; the rate is higher with multiple abortions.

    • 2% of women who have abortions suffer life threatening complications, such as bleeding, fever, infections, etc.,[6]

    • After reviewing thousands of cases, Life Dynamics, Inc., found that injuries and deaths at the hands of abortionists "are not accidents." They are "the result of a persistent callous disregard for human life" -- the baby's and the mother's.[30]

    • A growing body of research that shows a definite link between abortion and breast cancer. The risk increases when a hormonally normal pregnancy is terminated before 32 weeks. Although abortion advocates picture themselves as being primarily concerned with women's health,

  7. There would be no comments here if you were all victims of abortion. I in no way disregard the fact that things get difficult for parents. But abortion=" ending a life">>> (Fact)... there are other alternatives... Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. Open your heart... let Him in... He has lifted me up from the most horrific downfalls ... in Him i found LOVE, REFUGE and SALVATION.

  8. It's often dificult for people who are on opposite sides of this debate to come to a compromise. Debate is healthy, as long as it is healthy debate where both side of the debate agree to consider each other's points.

    That is what platforms such as blogs and message boards are for.
